ISU runs 5 Cyber Defense Competitions each year. (link to the CDC web page)
The CDC’s are held on a Friday and Saturday. Friday is for final setup and the actual competition starts at 8 AM on Saturday. We release the scenario about 4 weeks prior to the CDC so team can start to build their blue team network.
How to get involved:
- Sponsorship: Companies and organizations can sponsor one or more CDCs. cyber defense competition sponsorships
- Blue Team: Three of the CDCs are open to certain groups outside of ISU.
- The community college CDC is open any Community College in the region
- The Feb CDC is open to any school in the region
- The High School CDC is open to any Iowa high school through the Hyperstream Program
- Red Team: We welcome anyone interested in being part of red team to contact us. Red team members spend from 8 to 4 on Saturday attacking the blue team.
- Green Team: The green team members are users and will spend Saturday testing the usability of the blue team systems
- Visitors: Anyone is welcome to stop by and visit the CDC on Friday afternoon during setup or on Saturday during the competition.